unofficial website


Besides having scans of most record sleeves in the discography, you can find all EP/LP sleeves on a page as well.


Being media darlings at one point sure helps to have lots of group pictures. Some are available from this page:
Pictures left and right.
From just about any source: booklets, magazines etc.
Volume 8 pictures
These pictures of Toni and Dean are from the booklet of Volume 8 from the series of the same name (This volume featured Low and Behold, also on the infamous Superblaster EP).
These are only a few of the ones out there. To get around mentioning things twice I've put all links on a separate page.


Videos, the new art? Modern art maybe, if you consider the signal / noise ratio of one good one in a hundred. CURVE has made quite a few of which most were only played a couple of times on eMpTyV. Not having seen any/all of their videos must be the second worst frustration (after of course not owning the Superblaster EP) of the average CURVE-fan.

Stills and movies

Below you will find stills and MPEG movies of various CURVE videos. The stills are the nicest: jpeg pictures ready for use. Videos that were only digitized in full will be used to make some seperate stills if I find some more time.

On a separate page there are stills from:

Blindfold | Ten Little Girls | Coast Is Clear | Faît Accompli | HorrorHead | Missing Link | Superblaster | Chinese Burn

Basically all except Blindfold and Chinese Burn.
Chinese Burn can be found on Mark's web page (September, see links).

Coast is Clear and Clipped have been grabbed and converted into mpegs. Grab them from our ftp-site.


I've added everything I know about the following videos (supposingly all) and maybe a note or two about what they're like. If you don't care for subjective descriptions, click ahead and behold the lined up stills and links to some movies.


Because of the strangling policy of our local fighter for copyrights, you won't find any samples here. I'm making an exception for a nice radio interview, done after the release of Doppelgänger for a show called La Stampa for VPRO radio. This interview survived until now thanks to Diana and has been sampled and encoded by PAtrick.
  1. Part 1
  2. Part 2
  3. Part 3
Note! The samples are in the MPEG3 format and sampled at a low bitrate (mono, 11kHz, 16kbps encoding) to save space. If you're using an amp-based player, I've found that amp version 0.7.4 (ie. winamp 1.0) does not grok these files yet but 0.7.5 (ie. winamp 1.6) will.

Last changed Wednesday 9·May·2001 [go to top]