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File: 1267553343612.jpg -(266959 B, 1900x1700) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
266959 No.7   [Reply]

Repost previous works here for quick searching/archiving. Also I am missing some of the works from older drawing threads. If anyone has those saved, posting them will be much appreciated.

21 posts and 19 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.61  
File: 1268081402076.jpg -(373225 B, 1200x1000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.62  
File: 1268081438350.png -(96757 B, 1108x952) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.63  
File: 1268081471236.jpg -(179046 B, 414x1291) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.64  
File: 1268081721287.jpg -(154769 B, 800x681) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.65  
File: 1268084523729.png -(103523 B, 1200x1000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

ohai, I colored your Chie.

(It must be noted that Chie never wears trousers with this outfit - she wears a skirt instead. I took the color for the trousers from a different outfit.)

File: 1267533776182.jpg -(113125 B, 395x395) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
113125 No.1   [Reply]

This board is for the creation of original content.
However, as this board is hosted at my university's computer club, there will have to be two rules:
*No illegal content
*No porn
Other than that, everything except obvious spam is allowed.

Good luck and have fun.

11 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.47  

Apparently, 's ar poiler tag.

Eeee e eEe EEeee!

>> No.48  

Sss sS ssS Ss
Ppp pP ppP Pp
Ooo oO ooO Oo
Iii iI iiI Ii
Lll lL llL Ll
Eee eE eeE Ee
Rrr rR rrR Rr

>> No.49  
File: Fall of Lemuria.mp3 -(3234672 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Okay, I give up on the spoiler tags for now. File uploads should work for now (10.000 KB max per file).

Attached file is original content, but old.

>> No.51  

Looks like there's now another OC image/textboard: http://bunbunmaru.com/kareha/projects/

I don't want to have to lurk a whole bunch of different boards in order to keep up with everything, but I guess there isn't much of a choice.

>> No.66  
File: 1271816333397.jpg -(48929 B, 200x227) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>*No porn

File: 1267573467728.jpg -(94534 B, 1025x760) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
94534 No.23   [Reply]

Reposting previous statements.

I actually want to draw an OC manga, a rather professional looking one. Sex scenes are optional, but I rather not have them to be honest, so it is worksafe. It'd be nice to have someone work with me, preferably a writer to put my storyline together and another artist to help draw.

What I want to do is something similar to the mangas like The Ravages of Time and Vinland Saga --- war time action/drama, but in a realistic fantasy world (but still no magic, elves, etc) instead of being historical.

[spoiler]It set place in a world where normal humans, despite having weapons and etc, are inferior to wolves. Like our wolves, they are four legged, pretty smart but not smart enough to stand/talk/etc, but have the size of lions/elephants instead. Think of them as lion/tigers with wolf appearance, and they have a thick fur that are nearly invincible against slashing attacks. Thus, humans are forced to live in narrow caves, avoiding open plains in the early days.

Only about 30 years before the start of the story, "Knights", true professional warriors, are trained. These "knights" are like some sort of super warriors, and are the only cheap/effective weapons they have against the wolves (without knights, they'll need to deploy like 50 normal men, and they'll probably lose over half of them in a fight against a single wolf). As more knights were trained, humans finally reclaimed the open plains, and started having bigger settlements. The most famous knight was later crowned king.

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16 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.41  

Hey there, I'm going to give you some honest feedback on what I think about your idea.

>like The Ravages of Time and Vinland Saga

Oufits need more armor, designs should have a warrior-edge to them. All your designs look very bishounen. Look through the vikings of Vinland saga, or even take a glance at Berserk outfits. To help with characters, change their body builds per character, it'll help a ton. I suggest some other natural hair colors, unless they're all Claymores I think its a tad unrealistic to make them all blonde.

>As more knights were trained, humans finally reclaimed the open plains

This sentence gives me the idea that instead of having crazy powerful wolves since the dawn of man, something could have happened that made man regress back into a more medieval time era and shut them away. Let me be more specific: I personally don't like the idea of crazy powerful "wolves". To me it sounds cheesy. I do however think it would be interesting to have an advanced society thrown into ruin by some sort of powerful force and having remnants of the past remain while they are forced to fight from square one as medieval warriors to reclaim their world.

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>> No.42  

It will be a Shounen manga where enemies keep appearing, all that happens is that the good guys defeat the bad guys and the story never really goes anywhere.

Or not.

>> No.43  

Great feedback! This is exactly what I need!

>Oufits need more armor

The "fur" they're wearing are wolf furs. Like previously stated, they are slashing-proof (immune to swinging attacks). Knights were trained to counter wolves, so mobility is a higher concern than defense (since the impact from a "hit" from a wolf would probably break bone or knock someone out). Therefore, I purposely avoided "armoring" them.

>I think its a tad unrealistic to make them all blonde

You might have a point there, but think of it this way: let's say you're in China during 1000 BC. What are the chances of you walking down the street and finding someone that doesn't have black hair (or white for elders)? Chances are slim to none. If you do find one, he/she is likely to be considered as a freak of nature/outcast. Either way, I could add a few characters with different hair/eye color in. I'm in need for a lot more characters anyways.

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>> No.44  
File: 1267637561500.jpg -(513212 B, 822x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Nothing wrong with having the fur act as armor. My issue is that they look far too modern casual. If you want to go for that look, that's fine, I just think of characters living in a world like this being more battle-ready. Drew a really, really fast sketch of your first character to hopefully convey what I mean.

>What are the chances of you walking down the street and finding someone that doesn't have black hair

Asians are a bit different, seeing as they all have black hair. If you're going with caucasians there have been various natural colors since way back when. If you want all blonde, then by all means. However, your characters will lack diversity due to this. Even Claymore gets stagnant with having so many blonde haired silver-eyed characters.

>It's not really about wolves in the first place, those are just background settings

Understood. I guess I was just trying to find why you placed them in such a world. Fantasy worlds are awesome to expand on since they allow for reason and purpose for having that particular world and building onto it.

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>> No.50  

Yea, I see what you mean. I can totally get the medieval-like feel from your sketch. I guess I'll need to work hard on my drawing skills.

>In revenge stories the climax tends to be the revenge act itself.

Actually, the "after story" is actually the main story. The "revenge story" is still character intro/setting building, since it's really short. If I were to start drawing, it'd start with him killing his brother, right on the first page/chapter.

I definitely want your help. Drop by as often as possible.

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